HoHumYNWA Shipping basket Nov 2022

Shipping basket per 11/30/22

Holding Val Inv Cap
TNP-E 3.05 2.32
NMM 8.90 6.05
GOGL 12.98 13.23
GSL 9.27 9.59
SBLK 16.89 17.93
ZIM 9.95 19.59
FLNG 20.10 9.65
GNK 12.01 13.35
BDRY 2.70 4.33
AMKBY 1.38 1.37
NAT 2.76 2.58

Harvesting continued in Nov: ZIM (wash transaction), BDRY (loss), GOGL (gain), GNK (wash transaction)
FOMO in tanker sector had me nibble in NAT; then a second nibble
Post earnings development move FRO as an option
On 10% pull-back, INSW also of interest

End of Nov:
Positive- TNP-E, NMM, FLNG, NAT, AMKBY, SBLK, GOGL (last two, if div included)
Negative - ZIM, BDRY, GSL, GNK