How to add a "board" to my list of "boards"... or is it "topics" now?

Sorry, but I am trying to add a “board” to my list of “boards.” So are they called “topics” now?? If I find a board I want to add to my list… can somebody tell me the steps to do it? And just a note… I used to be on these boards a few times a week… reading your advertisements, contributing, etc. Since the boards have changed, I dread coming to this site, and am here perhaps every 5 months. I wonder if many more of your Fools are doing the same things… and searching for a different place to post things and contribute and read THEIR advertisements… and make THEM money… I have spent years recommending your books and website to friends… Sorry but I don’t do it any more… :frowning:

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Assuming that the interface looks the same on your device as it does on mine, which might not be the case, you should have a sidebar to the left that looks something like this:


(Click on the image to show/hide the sidebar.)

There’s a hidden tiny edit button lurking where it says “Categories”, that reveals itself when you place the mouse pointer there. Click on the edit button to show a dialog where you can select which boards/categories to show in the sidebar.

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There is Shrewd'm: A Merry and Shrewd Investing Research and Education Community , to which many of us have migrated, and to which many more visit as well as here.
It’s what TMF used to be, and I’ve seen no advertising there.
Built by Manlobbi, and if boards in which you’re interested aren’t (yet) present, he’ll happily set them up for you on request.
Eric Hines

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Thank you Raylight. I appreciate your help. I am indeed trying to be less “snarky” today, about the Fool boards… LOL


Hi Bacon, Thanks. That sounds interesting. I wil definitely check it out. Thx.

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Hi @footsox

@raylight beat me to the answer but you can set up your left side navigation bar much like the old myfool page to show you when there are new (the start of a thread) or unread (new replies to a thread you’ve already started to read) posts on categories (the new name for boards) and companies (using tags) that you want to follow.

Just click the pencil to the right of Categories and/or Tags on the left side bar and select what you want to follow. It’s actually gotten easier over the last year to select the ones you want as now it’s a box you click - it used to be you had to search and select.

Don’t forget to click Save Changes.

Once you’ve done that, when you look at the left bar, you’ll find it’s easy to see where there are new posts.

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