Indiana Wants You, But Not America

Someone call Mother and let her know her little boy flunked Statistics.


Well if the facts are not correct just lie. It’s unbelievable what people will believe and parrot even when the people they are listening to tell everyone they are lying…when you put them under oath.



Now get this Kevin McCarthy is from Bakersfield California, not exactly a bright spot, I worked there when I was younger. But he is complaining that they are going after Trump in New York when they should be going after criminals. :pleading_face: Because the crime is so high in New York. Now lets see what the Crime is like in Bakersfield.

Now get this, Bakersfield, which McCarthy represents is safer than 3 percent of US cities. :joy: :joy:

You really can’t make this stuff up.

Here is the crime rate in New York


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One of my fave AC/DC songs “Safe In New York City!” Great headphones are suggested. Excellent production:

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Saw them in concert twice. Once in 1980 and the second in 2012. Excellent both times.


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