iPhone 13 battery health

After 17.0.1 update phone battery draining pretty fast. Unusual. Battery health shows 86% does that mean new battery may be needed? Didn’t change after 17.0.2 patch

There have been widespread reports of battery draining after updating to 17, but similarly wide spread have been the reports that after a few days that stops. The explanation I have seen is that IOS has a lot of housekeeping to get through after the install, moving files around and such.

As to battery health, I think the real question is are you running out of charge. My phone gets charged overnight, every night. I see the battery level when I plug it in, and know I’m fine whatever the battery health might be. Keep an eye on that.

I do charge it to 90-100 every night and I’ve had 17 update since it came out- about a week I guess so all apps should have found their optimum stage by now? I dunno but I think 86% for a new phone may? be an issue. Will wait a few more days and then call AppleCare. Thx

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I’ve noticed my XS Max has been running down more than it did before the ios 17 upgrade and also the connection to the web is slower (very laggy) and it was fast in the past. I usually connect to my wifi in the house because I have 1 gig and even that is very laggy. All the sites that wecoguy has posted has numerous things to fix it and I have done those tweaks without much change so far…doc

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My 11 Pro Max, I see is at 85% as far as it’s health, I have seen it twice get down to 20% chase and put it in low power mode until I charged it later that night… Back up it’s fine, but it may have been doing some housekeeping, that’s been two updates in about a weeks time, as well as maybe more use via CarPlay in the new car, so its hard to see the cause… FB seems to be the busiest app, but even that varies on whether I’m out n about or home using theconfuser…

I see the 15’s are having overheating issues, my 11 does get warm at times, but nothing serious…

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me too, have removed most of “refresh in the background” stuff etc…and I don’t put it into low power mode though, shouldn’t have to…, may call Apple Care within the next week if it doesn’t fix itself. I don’t use car play, just using the same apps as I also did before, i do also charge it every night…perhaps I’m using it more than usual but…

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