He just woke me up standing next to his side of the bed and peeing onto it. I stopped him from trying this once before recently. He got back in on my side while I was at the washing machine…
Alas, I didn’t realize he got the top sheet and quilt wet also until after I’d put the bottom sheet and protective pad on his side into the washer on a rinse cycle, which can’t be interrupted. SO I’ll have to do 2 more rinse cycles (nothing can fit in the machine with the quilt) before I wash all. Luckily I don;t need to do any other wash today as the oast 3 days have seen the towels, gentles (mine) and his wash loads done. Meanwhile I got him back into bed on the bed pad with a blanket over him. I’m in the den to be close to the washer and deal. Plus my computer was running out of gas and the only power supply is in the den.
It could’ve been worse–at least it happened at 4am and not earlier.
Anyhow, last night was weird. He fell asleep as usual in his recliner after dinner, but I was unable to wake him up after several tries before I went to sleep for the night. I woke up to his chair creaking when he got up and found him peeing in the hall outside the den. Then it was devilishly hard to get him to get into bed and go to sleep. At least 30, 45 minutes of him puttering around the bedroom while I tried to go back to sleep.
Meanwhile…this past week had numerous appointments including his PCP and neurologist. Because of the difficulty doing blood work on him (he now struggles against getting punctured), we probably won’t do any more blood tests ever. So we won’t know if he’s developing diabetes or spiking potassium again or anything else that you learn about via blood tests. And unless he moans and points to a body part, has a fever/racing heart/low O2, we’ll have little to no clue when something’s wrong with him. It sure can be hard to give a dementia patient medical care, even when you wish to! As you might recall, we can no longer get any kind of imaging (he won’t keep still and can’t take ativan)–not even dental bite-wings, which he spits right out.
huh…he’s sound asleep. Me? I’m awake for the day. Nothing like an adrenaline rush!
I’m supposed to be tapering him off olanzapine and switching to Depokote. But the dr was able to refill olanzapine, at a somewhat higher cost to me. Bad timing to change things as the grandkids are coming Easter week. Anyhow, once we get the cray-cray drugs sorted, we’re gonna try him on a sleeping med. Low dose which I plan to give the first time he wakes up to pee (I’m usually still awake then) in hopes it’ll keep him asleep till 7-8am (so 10-midnight to 7-8am). But I don’t want him to pee so much in his Depends that he overflows and I have to wash bedding every morning. WIll need to switch to heftier night Depends.
It’s all too bad coz yesterday was actually pretty good otherwise. No problem at all undressing and showering him by myself. He even brushed his own teeth with the electric toothbrush. And stood very still for my shaving him with a safety razor (so far, no nicks!). And behaved while picking up his prescriptions and while I gassed up the car (luckily only needed about once every 5 weeks). Except he did try to pee against the cashier counter at the drug store so they let me take him to the employee’s bathroom(!). It’s a small local pharmacy and everyone wo]ho works there knows us now.
Is it my imagination or is there an aura of urine in the air? I should have the cleaning ladies come twice a month. Maybe I’ll give up cable except for internet…he never watches anyway. I could do Roku or something…
PS–Can’t he be a normal geezer and just pee in his Depends?!? I bought 2 pkgs at Walmart the other day, one with tabs in case he won’t let me take off pants/pj’s to change them (I can tear them down the sides to remove, but putting on a fresh Depends when he won’t take off pants is something else-).
I wonder if any of this makes sense…haven’t even had coffee yet…
Oh. He’s now seeing the neurologist ona quarterly basis. And the neurologist now comes into the office in my town again so I don’t need to go to a big facility in downtown Charleston for his neuro appts (he temporarily wasn;t doiung that during the pandemic…not that it;s really over yet, but, things are more or less “back to normal” around here. I rarely see masks outside of medical facilities).
PPS–When I was trying to take him to his neuro appt on Wed, my car wouldn’t start. Luckily AAA got there fast enough that we walked into the waiting room about 2 minutes before appt time (I left a lot of extra time as I had forgotten the appt was local instead of downtown!). Anyhow, my car battery is 4 years old so I made an appt to replace at my usual service garage on Monday when the aide is here.