Leading Indicator?

The first regular-season game of the NFL season kicks off Sept. 8, and just in time: Chicken wings are at their lowest prices in years.

The Department of Agriculture’s price index for chicken wings is now at levels not seen since 2018, with the average wholesale price of a pound of wings falling to about $1.68 in July, and trending even lower for August.



Heard this earlier today.

Might be tied up in how much chicken the Chinese market is NOT taking. Pork prices could be next.

The FedEX cup has been moved till this time of year to not compete for TV air time against college and pro football as that season begins.

The ugly factor…the US stock market is making a lot of guys eye over their 401k. Wonder if they are cutting back on things?

Or if how well people are doing individually chicken wings are out of favor?

Insurance agent I know has always worked from home. He is saying the guys who left the office during Covid are not panning out working from home. That is just one man’s opinion but there is some truth to it for a good number of people who do not have the personal organization to work outside the office at home. There could be a big shake up on the corporate side if those folks individually are let go. Letting go of non productive individuals could become very popular.

Leap1 writes,

The ugly factor…the US stock market is making a lot of guys eye over their 401k. Wonder if they are cutting back on things?

Gen Xers are cutting discretionary spending amid high inflation, while continuing to save for retirement, study shows

Very smart.


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