I love the debates where the participants call out each other for all the documented occasions that proved them to be liars and frauds. That’s the only way to get to the truth.
I love the debates where the participants call out each other for all the documented occasions that proved them to be liars and frauds. That’s the only way to get to the truth.
That was mostly Hailey who referenced a fact check website 15 times. It made her look desperate. Instead one should clearly point out the mistruth. For example, DeSantis said multiple times that FL has the number one k-12 system in America. That is not true if measured by standard metrics like high school graduation rate, or academic achievement, or quality of studies. Actually, Chris Christi’s state has been reported as the best state k-12 for a couple years in a row. Hailey could have pointed to the US News & World Report annual rankings which shows Florida around number 40. Florida has been ranked in the bottom 10 states for quality of education k-12. Gov. DeSantis also claimed that PTSD Programs in Florida has reduced Veteran Suicide rate to almost zero. In his state, almost 500 military vets fell to suicide last year, that would have been easy for Haily to point out. BTW neither one of these mistruths are brought up on the website that she kept spouting about.
She looked somewhat desperate mostly about comments referring to her record, and that is exactly what the website is all about. South Carolina and Florida have the same unemployment rate, but DeSantis made the claim that Florida has the lowest unemployment rate in the country. Hailey could have easily batted that back. Neither one of them are very effective debaters. They mostly resorted to name calling, like you’re a liar, or you’re a flip-flobber. Good debates are ones who come loaded with the factual information. Both of these candidates are lazy debaters.
Did the “birther” thing that another “thought leader” floated come up?
No, there was plenty of talk about border security. DeSantis called Haley a “mealy mouthed politician.” I’m not sure what that makes him, he’s been a politician since 2013. They both agreed to raising the full-retirement age for Social Security to 70+. They both agreed to sending Medicaid programs “back to the states” when asked about their health care insurance ideas. Not sure what that means. Both agreed to cutting taxes to the top earning Americans.
The states run Medicaid now, but the Feds pay a big piece of it. If the states had to entirely fund it, it would vanish.
They didn’t make it clear. You’ll recall that Haley refused to expand Medicaid as Gov. in South Carolina. I think they’re both aware that sending a major portion of Medicaid fucning back to the states is a great way to balance the budget, something they both bragged about doing. Both talked about shifting Medicaid funding to a block grant system; something that has been a GOP dream since Reagan.
So, they think the Feds would continue to send them money for Medicaid, but not require them to spend it on Medicaid, so they can use the Federal money to cover another tax cut for the “JCs”? Why would that not surprise me?
There was a debate last night?