Poll: Is new interface worth losing people like Mungofitch?

Click your avatar. Youll see a “list” of users and topics.
See the little symbols off to the right?
Click one and see how it changes the list.

You can quickly see who is “liking”, “replying”, “posts you’ve bookmarked” etc to your posts.

Scroll down, see the little "person portrait " icon (a head and shoulders silhouette). Click it.
You’ll then see a list, one of which is “ACTIVITIES”. Click “Activities” and you’ll get to a list of posts YOU authored.

To see the head shoulders icon, on my mobile, i have to rotate to portrait (ie landscape hides it). As a matter of fact, if you are mobiling, and can’t find something, rotate to portrait… it might show up.

Click on XYZ avatar. In this screen, click the avatar again, click “activities”.
You may have to click the “summary” field, and then “activity”.

ralph is mobiling. If you’re on a computer… it should be similar.

Bonus tip 1 - go here, bookmark this page.

Bonus tip 2. A “hack” to achieve the old “reply later” function.
To book mark a page, scroll to the bottom, where the “like thumb” lives, click the 3 little dots ( … ) and choose the bookmark banner.

To get back to a page, youve bookmarked, click your avatar, and from the icons on the right, select the bookmark banner.