Pure curiosity.
Where is your primary residence?
Sorry there aren’t more categories.
- U.S., northeast
- U.S., south
- U.S., midwest
- U.S., west
- Outside U.S.
0 voters
Pure curiosity.
Where is your primary residence?
Sorry there aren’t more categories.
0 voters
In Texas here. Might be considered southwest but I voted south instead of west.
Yes, I agree. That’s an important point, since TX is such a big state.
I never know where Maryland belongs. I suppose it’s technically south, but it doesn’t FEEL south.
Last I drove extensively in Texas it still sustained a remarkably clear cultural division between “Western” and “Southern” cultures, with the boundary lying between Ft. Worth and Dallas and then waggling
south to the border. Austin was southern but is now neither W nor S but just weird, while San Antonio is W and Corpus is S.
Or so it seemed to me.
david fb
Maryland: The mid Atlantic states are always a problem. Definitely not New England. The rest are just “east.”
But Maryland is south of the Mason Dixon line. Southern. Tobacco country they say.
And didn’t Lincoln have trouble going through Baltimore.
Technically a border state. Didn’t secede but probably tried to.
Austin was southern but is now neither W nor S but just weird, while San Antonio is W and Corpus is S.
Let’s agree that El Paso is W.
I had to list Virginia as south although northern Virginia is culturally akin to New York and rural Virginia is culturally akin to Alabama.