Do you ever take action on your investments based on something you have read on this board? Feel free to share what you did if you want, but a “Yes” or “No” is sufficient if you choose to answer at all.
On this board no but on other boards associated with the free side of the Fool, Yes.
Yes. Our posts and discussions on Wuhan in the early days led me to raise cash prior to the covid crash.
And a tip of the hat to HohumYNWA who pointed out that the nat gas carriers such as DLNG were trading at significant discounts. They quickly recovered and their preferreds never missed a beat.
Definitely listened to intercst concerning Medicare vs Medicare Advantage. Have also payed attention to his opinion on delaying SS, but might change that due to TFG seizing power again.
Retired back in 2018, and pretty sure I read about sequence of return risks here, so was heavy cash in IRA. Amidst the doom and gloom after covid was making waves, started deploying that into stocks. If I remember right, that was contrary to the consensus opinion on METAR. Have a friend I discuss investing with, told him what I was doing, he thought I had lost my mind. But after the 2008/9 financial meltdown, I played the odds that the Government was not going to let the Market meltdown. That was hard to do at the time, but I thought the odds were heavy in that direction.
I currently have gotten up to 50% short term low-risk in IRA and Roth, there are no tax consequences for doing that. Have left Taxable Account alone. I want to see how things shake out next January-March or so. Still got meaningful amount in stock & ETF funds, so if it takes off I can live with the lower overall return I’ll get. The odds that we’re in for a volatile ride seem high to me. ( but I don’t know squat, lol )
Please share which ones. Thanks.
Yes, I pay close attention especially to Wendy’s METAR report, and also some of the regualr chit chat regarding what is going on in the world outside normal economic models.
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I thought you were talking this board but somebody mentioned HoHum and I do follow him but he is not specifically on this board. I also get a lot out of Saul’s board but not as much lately. When he first started it, it was a great place to post. Also investing strategy but not everyone would like that because it is more mechanical and TA investing.
I should mention Kingran on Liquid lounge also. He helped me get into the China trade.
The biggest one was all the chatter about how shaky the mortgage industry was, in early 2008. That summer, I put 100% of my IRA in six month treasuries. When the roof fell in, a few months later, I didn’t lose a nickle of principle.
Yes. I joined in 1998. I found the courage to dump my financial advisor who charged a fee to make sector bets on expensive mutual funds and switched to low cost ETFs which saved me about 2% per year in fees. I put some extra cash in the market after one of Mungofitch’s bottom calls about 6 years ago which worked out well. In July of 2009 I started averaging cash into some of my ETFs which I believe was also being done by Wendy. My backdoor Roth strategy came from this board, and is being carried out annually with the help of my CPA.
The main thing I got was the courage to dump my FA and trust myself to do the job.
Steve you gave your money to the “Man”.
If you still read Mungofitch’s posts at shrewd’m, post no. 10499 lists some of his past major bottom calls. I think December 2018 may be the one I acted on. I can’t find my records to prove or disprove it yet.
Yes. But, less so in the last few years.
In earlier years, one could post on METAR and then continue the discussions either on METAR, or another board. In particular, Thanks Jeff, “Montana Doc”, Wooly, Desert Dave, RaptorDan. For the more Macro items - thanks to Wendy, SuisseBear, flyerboys, etc.
And not forgetting the line from an old movie – “& World Peace!!”
Which board there?
Berkshire Hathaway plus twenty
At times like that, “return on capital” is less of a concern than “return of capital”.
I understand. Not knocking you but I never expected Steve to be rubbing elbows with the Hedge Fund elite.
Yes but only what I say. LOL
@DrBob2 - Thanks for the kudos.
Things have changed a lot on these boards. Thus, my comments and observations are less common here. BTW, as you mentioned Dynagas LNG (DLNG), I am just noticing that the company share price has had a good YTD. In addition, DLNG just restarted its common dividend/distribution.
Sure. The boards can alert you to situations. Some are opportunities. Some require immediate action. But not without due consideration and maybe research before you decide.