I’ve used Google Docs for years and have never had this issue until recently. I often scroll along text using the right and left arrow keys. It usually does so smoothly when I hold the arrow key down.
Recently it stopped being smooth. It’s very jerky and will then suddenly jump way past where I wanted to stop. It’s very annoying.
I hope I’m explaining this well enough.
I’ve rebooted the computer and it hasn’t helped.
Any ideas?
Thanks, RB
Something is using up your CPU resources. Type Task Manager into your search box on the left bottom and open up your task manager to see what it is. The one that is using the most will be under CPU at the top.
It says DISM Host Servicing Process at around 35%. That seems like a lot. Everything else is below 5%
What is that? I’ll Google it also. Thanks.
Now this is weird.
I checked my other computer and there is no DISM Host Servicing Process whatsoever!
And now on this computer it is gone. There is on DISM any more. But there is Modern Setup Host that is using a lot of CPU.
Could be you have your updates installing during the day. You might want to schedule that at night. Modern Set up host is used to upgrade your windows product. Schedule all your maintenance at night.
To schedule maintenance at night on Windows, open the Control Panel, navigate to “System and Security” then “Security and Maintenance,” and under the “Maintenance” section, use the “Change maintenance settings” option to set the time for automatic maintenance to run during the night hours when you’re typically not using your computer; by default, it’s usually set to run around 2 AM.
And now something else is afoot! I see in the updates that it is installing Windows 11. I didn’t ask for that nor do I want it! Every time Windows did an update, I refused Windows 11. But now it seems to have done it automatically without telling me!
It says “Installing 97%”.
That could be taking up CPU. But the scrolling problem has been happening for a few days, so…?
Big question. My computer now says “restart to install Windows 11”. But I do NOT want to install Windows 11. Is there away to make this go away?
That could cause problems if you stop it after it asks for a restart. I am going to let someone else answer that.
I found the following:
To stop the Windows 11 installation, open the Start Menu, type Services and press enter. Locate the “Windows Update” service on the list, right click it and select “Stop”.
Open the File Explorer, go to C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download and delete all the files inside this folder.
Use the command to restart the computer:
Press Windows + R enter the command below and press enter
shutdown -r -t 0
This deletes the Windows 11 downloaded files to stop the installation.
Well, I did all that to stop Windows 11 from installing and it worked.
But the scrolling is still a problem and now the CPU usage is low. There are no high CPU items.
OK Rick. The only thing I can think of is to restart your computer. After it is back check your cpu usage again. But before you do that change your maintenance schedule. Also, realize, if restarting makes anything go wonky it isn’t the restarting that is going to cause the problem, but the stopping of the update. I just don’t know what that might do.
Did all that. The CPU usage is very low, the update is stopped and on pause for a month, and the scroll issue is still happening.
Gotta run, but later I’ll look at my other computer and see what’s happening with Google Docs on that one.
Thanks for your suggestions and help!
I just received an email from Dell titled “Windows 10 support ends on October 14, 2025.” I wonder if that’s why they may be “forcing” updates to Windows 11?
But that’s still a long way off. I’m putting it off as long as I can.