This new format is maddening. Anyone still here on the Tax Strategies board?
Yes, the new format is frustrating and I see your post so others can too.
I’m here, for all that that’s worth. I’ve found over the years the experts volunteering their knowledge to be extremely valuable.
This new structure for the discussion boards is extremely frustrating, and it’s already driven off some highly talented folks from other boards, like Mechanical Investing. I hope that doesn’t happen here, too.
Eric Hines
Present and annoyed.
“Present and annoyed.” - yeah, that about sums it up. Hopefully it grows on me.
Warts grow on you, too. Just sayin’.
Present and learning. One day at a time!!
One of my Fav boards - eh - Categories. Still here and hope to continue to learn and add where I can.
It works. – plus more to equal minimum character count
I’m here. Can’t say that I have a lot to offer but I sure pick up a lot of tax tidbits. A good board (Category) to visit.
As a 20+ year member of the FOOL, I don’t understand the necessity for creating such a complicated, cumbersome format. I happened to get here only by pure accident. Nothing I see makes me want to invest the time or energy in figuring it all out. So many of the posters over the years were like family. Sadly the Fool experience has deteriorated in the last few years. This board was always a useful resource going way back to the days when Phil Marti freely gave us lots of good information and advice with a healthy dose of humor. As they say, nothing stays the same for ever.
I’m still here, struggling like everyone else how to use this board as easily as the other one. I feel like the neighborhoods are a maze with kudzu to work through.
Lucky Dog
I do the Discord one as well, plus been checking the Boglehead’s, I want information on investing and also a community. It would be nice if this one comes together eventually.
What, exactly, is DISCORD?
Oh, Discord is a message board where MF poster, canonian set up boards so people could migrate to since the new boards were challenging. I can send you a link if you like or I just might dig up the original post, and that would be better.
I’d like an invite.
Eric Hines
I guess the financial part is the point. Why would I want NONFinancial?
hey come check out Discord with me Practical Musings