So…the real agenda behind the tariffs is not to “bring manufacturing back to the US, for the benefit of USians”, it is to turn back the clock to 1912, when tariffs were a major source of revenue for the government, so that those poor, “burdened” “JCs” can have a few more Trillion in tax cuts? Surprise, surprise, surprise.
We are seeing the “education reform”: defund and privatize, so those poor burdened “JCs” are not stuck paying a nickle for the education of Prole spawn. Then they can have another tax cut!
Our current path is certainly bleak, but let’s not give up hope for a better future.
The “crappy” company has multi Trillion $$$ market cap…
Radio Shack was a pretty good sized company…so were Worldcom and Enron. Boeing isn’t what it used to be either. A company’s short term ability to put a lot of money on it’s bottom line, is all it takes to impress the stock market.
There are 6 companies with a multi trillion $ market cap. We know for a fact that 5 of them have very substantial budgets for training. So we can only conclude that your wife works for Saudi Aramco, the remaining multi trillion $ market cap company that I have no information about their training budget.
But you had to work and your kid’s did too and then go to school on your own time. Makes for very long days. Nortel trained me on their own time and paid me to go to school. Not the same at all.
We know what happened to Nortel. At what point was Mark receiving all the employee development assistance at Bell Labs? During AT&T? During Lucent? During Alcatel? During Nokia?
In many companies, “employee development”, like “quality” and “customer service”, are costs to be minimized. As a long time RS manager commented, as our DM was laying out the new business plan, at the end of the 80s “this sounds like Radio Shack when I started 'get the money in the drawer, get the 54!t out the door”"
Nope. Bell Labs gave me 2 days off a week to attend school while being paid 100% of my salary. I also had the option of taking a whole year off and doing the Masters degree in one year, but then they only paid 60% of my salary. My kid does have to work full time and is going to graduate school part time (it’s almost all remote, so quite manageable).
It was pre-Lucent and just around the time of divestiture.
I had a vision of the future USian workplace:
White USians working menial jobs, that were opened up when the immigrants were deported. They have no upward mobility, because they could not afford much of an education. They take orders from:
Low and middle level managers and “high skilled” people, who are all foreigners, because they were educated at their home government’s expense. They have no upward mobility because:
Top level “JCs” are the sons and heirs of “JCs”, who went to the “right” schools, joined the “right” frats, and hang with the “right” people.
Note that Musk had revved up the rhetoric…
“The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and F*** YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.”
… now this likely would settle the issue -
„ “I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added (TIG)
What do we learn - shared JC objectives trump what the fanbase wants. Maybe they can build a second wall.
Illegal immigration is not good. Legal immigration is good.
If you want more construction or farm workers, give more visas. There are hundreds of thousands of people waiting patiently with their paperwork to get in legally.
AI Overview
The EU numbers:
According to available data, the average salary for a European software worker is around $74,000 per year with significant variations depending on the country, with Western European countries generally paying more than Eastern European countries; for example, Switzerland has the highest average with around $120,000 per year, while countries like Spain and Italy may pay closer to $45,000 annually.
Key points about European software worker salaries:
- Large range:
Salaries can vary greatly depending on the specific country, city, experience level, and specialization.
- Highest paying countries:
Switzerland, Germany, and the UK tend to offer the highest average salaries.
- Eastern Europe:
Countries in Eastern Europe generally have lower average salaries compared to Western Europe
The American numbers:
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for software developers in the United States is currently around $132,270.
Key points about software worker salaries in the US:
- Median salary: $132,270
- Entry-level salaries: Can range around $63,000
- Senior level salaries: Can reach upwards of $160,000
Factors impacting salary:
- Experience level:
Senior developers typically earn significantly more than entry-level developers.
- Location:
Tech hubs like San Francisco tend to have higher average salaries for software developers.
- Specialization:
Developers with specific skills like cloud computing or cybersecurity may command higher salaries.
During the last go around, TFG said he wanted to reduce legal immigration too. Most legal immigration is the family members of people already here.
And that leads to USian workers being displaced by foreigners.
Ok Mark that was amazing to. But your kid is getting what most companies are getting now. Work a full time job and then go to school on your own time. Usually the company will pay a portion of it with you having to pick up the rest.
I am not denigrating what you or your kid is or has done. It is a lot harder to hold a job down and go to school. What I am pointing out is how much different it was. Not only did Nortel fly you to the school, pay for your room and board, pay you a wage, and allow you to focus directly on training. I do not know of any company that does that anymore.
This is amazing. So Elon is saying that Americans are to stupid to do the jobs so he needs more Immigrants to do the jobs and the incoming President agrees with him. Then we have the incoming Presidents base saying “How about us?” and Elon is telling them not to fight back or he is going to make their world worse? Wow!! It looks like they are going to get exactly what they asked for.
This number matters.
It is not that simple. Salaries include better programmers getting options. Take home is different.
Unfortunately, this is one of those things which sounds straight forward and sensible, but which has difficult parts in the “corners” How does the fellow living in a trailer at the end of a dirt road with no telephone and a horse get his ID? I think it was South Dakota where the reservation Indians couldn’t get voter id cards because their dwellings had no street addresses (they got all their mail in centralized boxes). They finally worked out a deal where they got unique location addresses for each spot on Google maps and got the state to accept those.
Just realize, when people are defending the H1B visas, what they are defending is allowing Models to be in the United States legally. They only allow so many H1B visas a year and when they say they only want the smartest in the United States, how do they reconcile allowing models to take one of the visas. Try giving someone picking vegetables in the field one of the H1B visas.