A few takeaways from this thread: education being the same, foreigners work cheaper than USians. Musk wants foreigners. So, Musk wants cheaper labor, so he can stuff more money in his own pocket?
As for USians being too dumb, lazy, or too busy watching football, the income strata that TFG won are at the lower end of the distribution. Do people in those strata aspire to higher education and STEM careers, or are they the sort that would take over the menial jobs that migrants did, before they were deported?
This is lining up like the USian workforce in envisioned last night: USian Proles doing menial work. Middle managers being foreigners. “JCs” being the heirs of “JCs”, who have everything handed to them.
There is one problem with this. Americans are not going to work in slaughter houses or pick vegetables . So the “illegals” will still be coming because nobody wants them to come in as “legal” immigrants, they just want them to work and then go back home.
So, with the technology we have now, why do we need the H1B visa? They can do the work anywhere they have internet. It’s not like they have to have their hands on the product.
Just not true. Say for ex: your product architect has decided to switch from Java to Ruby, your programmers are traditionally trained in Java and Ruby is a new language for them. Do you think the company sends these programmers to get trained in Ruby? No. Rather team hires few Ruby programmers, and the existing programmers learn on their own and take help from these new programmers. Which is not bad, right? Not exactly. The team has mandatory rule to eliminate 10% or 5% depending on the size of the team as bottom performers. Now, the star Java programmer, is taking longer to deliver his code compared to Ruby programmer. He is gone on that performance cycle. This is not just at the programmer level.
My wife has moved up 3 levels since joining the company. At her current level, she needed some training, and I suggested her to take a specific training within the company. Her manager vetoed it saying, one internally they are charged $15K for the cost center and more importantly, the training will require to focus at least 20 to 30 hour per week for 6 weeks, given the product schedule for next year, you will not be able to focus on the training and your “day-job”. In other words, in the last 8 years, the only training she received or “mandatory” training like harassment to various “manager” training to meet the compliance, various “reporting”.
Even worse there are teams, hire folks with an intention of firing. How bad this is? HR now started tracking “unregretted attrition” where the employee is hired within a year.
Most guys are able to find job elsewhere and life moves on. But, the labor abuse on big tech is pretty bad.
The days of employee training are gone. You are responsible to have or develop employable skills.
Americans used to work in slaughterhouses. Back when #41 was staging his “enforcement theater” at some Swift packing plants, I did some reading on the subject. When the packing houses moved away from labor unions, and switched to hiring illegals, they cut pay 40%.
But a really Shiny regime, will cut food assistance, housing assistance, and Medicaid, give people a lecture on “personal responsibility” and “the dignity of work”, and force them to work more hours at more menial jobs. One of the things being talked about now, is enforcing the work requirement for Medicaid, nationally, that was experimented with, in a few states, on the first go around.
I saw something on the wire, in the last few days, about a “JC” demanding everyone get back into the office, or be fired. Some “JCs” like to be able to threaten staff in person. I used to call the VP Marketing at the pump seal company “Bobby bedcheck”, because he would come upstairs, from the executive wing, a bit after 8 every morning, and a bit before 5 every afternoon (unless he was golfing) to glare at and threaten the staff.
This is false and inaccurate. The employer has to show that they are paying prevailing wage to the H1B employee. The rules are pretty strict. Companies in Silicon Valley pay significantly more and compete for top talent.
Then explain the Disney case posted above. If there was no financial advantage to Disney, in replacing USian workers they already had on staff, why did they do what they did, and risk damage to the company’s reputation?
LOL now that is funny. Do you have any reading comprehension or do you just read an article and try to find only the things you want to hear? I suggest you read it again.
You guys are living in a liberal woke bubble. Elon is storming over DC. Woke and cancel culture is getting canceled. Most of you are preaching socialism and have a victim mentality.
The Disney workers were replaced by foreign contractors. Why? Elon hit it right on the head. American tech workers are too retarded.
Americans are mediocre and do not deserve these high-paying jobs. Wake up America! Good jobs with benefits are going the way the dodo. Elon is going to clean house!
That has been the trend for forty years, every since the US embraced “supply side economics” that dictate the only mission is the care and feeding of the rich, at the expense of everyone else.
TFG has been elected, twice, by telling white USians they are victims of brown people and foreigners. I gather that that policy is no longer operative? We are back to the usual program of “everything for those who already have the most”?
Look, talent is not a monopoly of any region, country, etc. Having said that, organizations go for young employees and cheaper employees. For whatever, reason they think young employees are more productive. Age discrimination is a serious issue. If you get unemployed above 50 or 55, it is taking forever to find a job. The same is not true for younger employees. These are labor statistics provided by the government.
The part that Elon doesn’t understand is that the Right-Right has their eyes wide open now too. They now realize the tech bro’s don’t mind the laws being broken as long as it helps them out. They don’t want immigration reform, they want cheap labor reform. 2025 is going to be so much fun.
What is hard about that? Set the maximum total C-Level compensation at 3x the minimum pay level at the company. Or set the minimum pay level at 1/3 of the total maximum C-Level compensation. Both work. Choose.
I suppose you know how to google and look for information?? The actual labor department requirement is only $60K. The information I provided is also available to goole, I suppose you are not one of those who are too smart to look for actual data and just spout whatever comes to their mind? are you?
This is only difficult if the bureaucratic potentates who need to order it are (as they are) under the thumbs of those who love making sure “those people” (who vary depending on random stupidities and prejudices) lack approval to exist except as beggars and drudges.
And we still accept this pig shyyte as reasonable.
The various addicts whom I occassionally had to assist to survive (some with needles still in arms) before shoveling them off the front steps of my ancient apartment building in Barcelona had valid useful fake-proof Spanish ID, and the ambulance and police teams that came in response to my calls (they knew and trusted my judgment after a few months) could quickly verify who why what where as they were taking them to jail, prison, or the day time shelter of the infinitely kind Sisters of Mercy, who had their Convent across the street, where upon waking the addicts and others would have breakfast while being ministered to.
ID is easily done. EASILY DONE. Homelessness does not remove identity. And guess what, most Europeans are simply astonished at how stupid and self-wounding we are regarding this.
Really guys and dolls, why do you think we are so backward on this subject if it does not serve powerful and insistent interests?
Until this problem is handled most of the blather you hear about immigration from both sides is clearly stupid or cunningly compliant.