I recently saw a post stating that The Fool is migrating to an entirely new platform. I don’t recall where I saw that, but I did - somewhere. Response time on fool.com was rather bad for me tonight, and I recalled that upgrade, so I thought I’d do dome research.
Not sure if I’ve been living under a rock or not, but I was not really aware that there are a bunch of things going on in preparation for the platform migration. Thanks also to Denny - The Captain, who is active on the Improve the Fool board where I found these very recent links.
Here’s some more detail from CMFMints,
As soon as we have a firm migration date, we’ll post it above every board but I expect it will be before the end of the month.
Looks like changes are coming shortly! Favorite Boards will now be a “Tracking” function and there will be videos to help users get familiar with the new interface. After 24 years of using this interface, we’re finally going to get a new one!! I wonder what other changes are coming? Will free boards go away?
I have no knowledge but TMF site is showing its age. Some people complain about the ‘obsolete’ board structure. Other fear change. My personal dislike of ‘modernity’ is that laptops are becoming more and more large format smartphones.
The other major issue is that TMF’s business model has been changing quite radically, what started out as anti-establishment is now firmly establishment. Maybe they hired too many MBAs. This is the fate of many businesses when the founders retire.
But, there is no stopping progress which is not always progress in the good sense but mostly it is. There is not much sense about bitching about it. If you don’t like it find a new place. When I no longer liked George Gilder’s forum I moved to TMF some 20 years ago.
The Captain
“Do you have the solution or are you part of the problem?” Ex-AVIS CEO?
Not to be snarky, but the Fool has been talking about these changes for maybe six months now, at least since they closed up a bunch of the free boards and put the “no politics” disclaimer up in the side bar. They’ve been migrating the paid boards over to the new software, and have said these free boards will be transitioned over as well. The last I read (a couple weeks ago) they were almost done with the paid boards and were about to start on the free boards.
There’s been precious little talk about what the new software will offer, and you can be sure there will be some complaining but I will wait to see before hollering and screaming about it.
18 hours unable to post? A true challenge for a ‘posting addict’.
Better stock-up on comfort food to quell the nerves during this challenge.
‘I post, therefore I am’ is admitting you have a problem.
What happens to the posts on the old boards including the ones now closed, will they still be available as read only.
Jen has said that the closed boards will still be available in “read only” mode after the transitions, but only for about a month. After that they will be wiped, and gone forever. If you have special posts that you want saved, start now.
Meanwhile, in Discord land, old school discussion boards from the past are the future, I am sure this will please much of the old Motley Fool diaspora who moved over there to discuss politics: