Tucker Carlsen given offer by Russian State TV

Since it has the largest viewership that means that none of the new channels are mainstream. I know that don’t watch one, and clearly neither do the vast majority of people.

Walter Cronkite and Chet Huntley and David Brinkley are long gone.



It isn’t only Fox. Since Cable broke in on Broadcast, and Social Media arrived and started to rot, “mainstream news” has had a devastating collapse in quality including near collapse of dogged investigatory journalism through the editing of the every more childish and illiterate texts. I see screamingly obvious errors in almost every article I read.

david fb


A large group of people do not see that for what it is. There is an awful lot of lying to find and keep the alt right together.


A lot more people watch nightly news daily on ABC, NBC, and CBS. They are talking cable news, which is not a valid comparison.


Let’s face it, The fairness doctrine repeal was the thing that brought all of our news to where it is today. That is the reason we no longer have a Cronkite and it was exactly what Reagan wanted when he repealed it. Now instead of having an informed public we have echo chambers on both sides. The argument that it only applied to broadcast and not cable is an inept argument. Of course it only applied to broadcast, Cable was a nascent industry at the time. They should have updated the law to include broadcast.



How much “news” is on the half hour broadcast network news programs? There is the daily “severe weather” hysteria, and fawning over “celebs” nearly every day. There is a ton of touchy-feely garbage. NBC managed to chase me to ABC some time ago. (ABC hasn’t been worth a hoot since Peter Jennings died, but it is not as bad as NBC) The first 12-14 minutes could be classified as “news”, except for the obligatory “severe weather” hysteria. Then the second half of the broadcast cadence is 3 minutes of commercials, 30 seconds of content, 3 minutes of commercials, 30 seconds of content, to run out the clock…actually, I haven’t put a clock on it recently, but it seems the content segments are creeping closer to 15 seconds, between advertising binges. I can generally turn ABC “news” off 20 minutes into the broadcast and not miss anything that matters.



About 20 minutes. The rest is commercials (about 8 minutes), bumpers, teases, titles, and so forth.

You may not like what they present, but that does not make it “not news.” It might qualify as “news I don’t care about”, but that is a different thing.


“Fox News Channel cruised to victory in the August cable news ratings, ending the month as the third highest-rated network in all of television, edging ahead of ABC in prime time and easily beating the cable news competition, CNN and MSNBC.”



Gutfeld! isn’t a news program.

He also isn’t prime time.