This is the part that was important and there is no way to link to it directly. It is a sub-story in the column to the right of the above link:
'Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis criticized American aid to Ukraine as an “open-ended blank check” and questioned whether the United States should be engaged in the Russian conflict at all.
“I don’t think it’s in our interest to be getting into a proxy war with China, getting involved over things like the borderlands or over Crimea,” DeSantis told Fox & Friends on Monday, referring to the Ukraine territories that Russia has seized through military force.
The remarks, made on the occasion of Biden’s surprise visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, were some of DeSantis’ most direct comments about the US involvement in the war since the conflict started a year ago.
Asked “what a win looks like” for the US, DeSantis downplayed Moscow’s military actions to date and said Russia was “really wounded” and had suffered “tremendous, tremendous loses” without acknowledging the role that US weapons, military intelligence and aid have played in shaping the conflict.
DeSantis insisted Russia is not a threat “on the same level as China.”
“The fear of Russia going into NATO countries and all that, and steamrolling, that has not even come close to happening,” DeSantis said. “I think they have shown themselves to be a third-rate military power.” ’
“We did notify the Russians that President Biden will be travelling to Kyiv,” Sullivan said. “We did so some hours before his departure for deconfliction purposes, and because of the sensitive nature of those communications I won’t get into how they responded or what the precise nature of our message was, but I can confirm that we provided that notice.”
The US informed Moscow to avoid any misunderstanding or misjudgment between the two nuclear-armed powers, according to accounts from Washington.
I hope this is fake news. We need stronger committment than that. Sooner or later we will get tired of supporting the war. But it is much too soon for that. And least our soldiers are not dying in this war.
Politically in the US those against the war will get hurt badly. GOOD!!!
Another reign of stupidity the American public can suss out.
Yes powerful people are often stupid. Others can believe all they want how power was earned.
It is easy to be a critic. The issue is knowing the truth or not. Putin is only starting.
Your sentiment was created by the press saying, “when will the public stop backing the war”. Instead tens of millions say, “we need a stronger commit(t)ment”. That is the job of the free press to sway the agenda. The entire subject was planted for your consumption by the press.
Third-rate military power with 6000 thermonuclear ICBMs.
Nothing but a a third-rate military power.
Oh and Russia has biological and chemical weapons that can be delivered all over the world.
Russia has ICBMs that carry up to 1,185 nuclear warheads.
No big deal, Ron DeSantis’ has it all under control. Hey! who doesn’t trust Putin.
Capitan Denny mentioned Kotkin and his superb interview (5 more questions) from the Hoover Institute. And I agree with Kotkin that historical knowledge is crucial and often nonexistent in the chattering sphere that dominates us. I urge all to also listen to the brilliant historian specialist in Ukraine, Timothy Snyder on what underlies Putin’s moves in Ukraine and with the world: Putin and the Presidents: Timothy Snyder (interview) | FRONTLINE - YouTube,
World politics is now the dominant force in world economics and crucial for investment.
This is what makes Putin’s obsession with having defendable borders so frustrating. No one is going to invade Russia because of all those missiles, regardless of how easy it would be to drive a tank into Russia!
I wish someone would just explain to him that it isn’t 1945 anymore.
Or, it is an excuse, because Putin simply wants a bigger one. He claims he wants a buffer between Russia and NATO. Presumably, Belarus is part of that buffer, and Ukraine would be another part. But if he merges them into Russia, then they aren’t a “buffer” anymore. So he would want Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania, as a “buffer”, by breaking them away from NATO. Then he overruns them, because they don’t have the protection of NATO, merges them into “greater Russia”, and demands Germany, the Czech Republic, and Austria as a “buffer”.