I enjoy reading and learning about Saul’s investment philosophies, but I’m curious about who else I should follow and learn from after Saul. I’ve been reading most of the posts, but I’d appreciate recommendations for additional perspectives. Thanks in advance!
There are many different styles of investing. Saul went through a couple during his relatively short time here on the Fool boards, noting that there was a point “at which he changed.”
If you’d like yet another, I’d recommend Mungofitch, who used to post prolifically on the Berkshire board here at the Fool, and who moved to Shrewdm.com ( Berkshire Hathaway board at Shrewd'm ) on the Berkshire board (also posts on the Mechanical Investing board among others) after the Fool changed formats a couple years ago. He’s probably one of the smartest and easiest to understand proponents of two styles: value, and mechanical, and his posts regularly garner more recommendations that much of the rest of the board combined.
There are lots of ways of making money. Saul didn’t have a monopoly on it, but had some good ideas, occasionally really good. Likewise Mungo, as he is known over there.
(Readers: please rec this post if you agree. And feel free to suggest others, or other boards either here or elsewhere, where stock market education is a priority.)