Wild vs Citi!

I guess it was inevitable. Some low down bum managed to get ahold of my Citi charge card numbers, and bought his sorry a##$#$ one pair of Timberland boots and three pairs of Nike sneakers at the low price of 100 dollars each. From Dick’s Sporting Goods in PA, now!

He wasn’t the brightest bulb in the carton, for he used his address to have this stuff sent. His home address. 40 miles from me in PA.

I was going to drive down there and surprise him, but thought better of it. Instead, I called CITI, Fed Express, and Dick’s Sporting Goods. Fed Ex did stop the Nike order, so the thief didn’t get them.

By the way, this was in July. July !!!

I am still dealing with this, and this 300 dollar + charge is on my Citi card. My long suffering son is tired of me fussing at these people.

I told them I would call them everyday EVERYDAY!!! Is there some other way I can get these slugs to move on this, and remove the charge?

I am getting more and more unpleasant when I talk to them, and don’t want to get a stroke over this. My son is sleeping, and I want to call them again today. My blood pressure is quite high for a Monday.



On the phone with CITI now. So help me, I am going to call them every single day until I get some resolution.


On the phone with CITI now. So help me, I am going to call them every single day until I get some resolution.

Have you disputed it in writing yet? Generally you have 60 days after the bill that the charges appeared on to dispute a charge, but the dispute needs to be in writing, although disputing on a website can be considered ‘in writing’. Disputing over the phone generally is not considered ‘in writing’. At this point, you may be past the 60 days, so you need to confirm if they have registered the dispute for you, and what you would need to do if they haven’t.


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Thanks. I told them I would not pay next month’s bill and that would get their attention. However, that would open up all kinds of drama.

I am over this. I will take a day off from this, and get them again on Wednesday.

wild :slight_smile:

On the phone with CITI now. So help me, I am going to call them every single day until I get some resolution.

On my August CITI Visa (via Costco) bill there was a charge at a pizza place somewhere in NY. Not as large as yours, under $30. One phone call resolved it, taken off the bill. It may have helped that I spoke with the FRAUD department.

I am very familiar with the Citi fraud department. Daytime, nighttime, weekend, you name it. I go through all kinds of folks. What a nightmare.


Glad you’re still with us, Wild!

I might have worked with the companies and the police to set up a sting and arrest the idiot for receiving stolen goods and identity theft. Of course, if you disputed the charge, you should not be required to pay the $300 unless they decide against you. Then #2 will really see you get upset. :slight_smile:

Just remember, the people you talk to at the credit card company have no authority or ability to rush the case along. It is more likely Dick’s that is dragging its feet admitting they were victims of fraud. For the good of your health, I would just check online once a week to see if action has been taken.

Who does think three months is a little long for resolution and notes there is a 90 day limit according to the CFPB…


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I did call the fine folks at Dick’s and have an email that they refunded near 500 dollars to Citi. Citi is still being tightlipped about it, but they did promise I will see the refund by Friday.

Won’t be activating the new Citi card. No no no. That ship has sailed.


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Won’t be activating the new Citi card. No no no. That ship has sailed.


Not all cards require “activation” to be used.

They keep reminding me that I need to activate it. I am now watching this account like a hungry hawk.

However… they relented.

I got the credit. Finally.

wild :slight_smile:

I would strongly recommend cancelling the card and at other business with them and forcefully telling them why.


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I agree that if the OP, feels that strongly about being mistreated by Citi, then closing any accounts You have with them sends the strongest message. Just be sure you understand what that might do to your credit score before acting.
How is your score now. Is the Citi Card one of your older cards? Closing oldest accounts will hurt your score. Do You have other cards that can take the place of the Citi Card.
If you need to get a new card, do that before closing Citi Card.
If You are carrying a balance on the Citi card get it transferred before closing the account. Be sure it gets marked as closed by your request, not at the banks request.

Cool down and have a plan before taking actions You might regret.


It is an older card with a decent amount of credit on it. I always keep it low in case I run into some sort of legal emergency.
I have quite a few Citi branded cards, and have never had an issue. This whole saga of the sneaker theft was very unusual. Hoping this will be the first and last time this occurs.

wild :slight_smile:

Good and glad it worked out for You.
