Apparently we cant discuss both. Until recently, the press was fixated on presidential politics to the exclusion of everything else. Periodically COVIID took the lead position and there were occasional musical interludes, like the extraction from Afghanistan. More recently, the oxygen in the room was pulled out by the Ukraine war and COVID, as a story (though not as a way to die) disappeared. Recent political shenanigans have relegated the Ukraine conflict to the same dustbin as the COVID story and, in fact, obscured what might be the best financial report the country has had in three years. (Yes, I know that we technically had two consecutive retractions in GNP, but I suspect that is probably an artifact of the speed that we scaled the heights out of the morose of COVID.
The problem most people have with keeping their eye on the ball, is that they are only using one eye and therefore not only can only watch one call at a time, but the monoscopic image lacks depth.