3D printing??

anyone seen what’s sparked 3D printing today and the last week?

as I type

VJET up 22%
XONE up 18.5%
DDD up 11%
PRLB up 8%
SSYS up 8%

interestingly Arcam does not seem to be participating in the rally. they were down for the day last I checked.


in response to myself, i have found this! :slight_smile:


includes links to a couple other articles about medical field applications.

3D Printing stocks were climbing higher on the first day of July following reports of potential medical uses, according to Benzinga


In other news, it has been reported that 3D Printing, which has been around in limited forms since the 1980s, has recently begun to gain mainstream traction. Wohlers Associates, a research and advisory firm, estimated that the global 3D printer market grew to over $3 billion in 2013; Credit Suisse Group AG (CS) expects the market to grow 20-30% in 2014-16, and to be worth $20 billion by the end of the decade. McKinsey & Co., on the other hand, estimates that the technology should grow faster in the coming decade, and that by 2025 its economic impact could be as much as $550 billion.


interestingly Arcam does not seem to be participating in the rally.


If they were up because of hype over medical uses, Arcam doesn’t make stuff out of living tissue, it makes machines that work with metal for medical implants and aerospace. Also, their primary market is in Sweden (6 hours later than EST) so they may have closed before all the action in the US. They finished unchanged.

Just guessing.


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I was wondering whether today’s trending for DDD and SSYS was indicative of a short squeeze that picked up momentum during the late morning and peaked before 1 pm.



I suspect you may be spot on. Nice observation.
