April Performance Summary - 2023

Well…everything was just dandy. The portfolio was doing ok for the month and then - in the last 5 min of the second half everything blew. ENPH reported and got hammered. MBLY reported and got hammered. And then…NET reported and got hammered. At that point, the April up we had built was also hammered and it all cam down to the performance of on the last day: we tried…but it was not to be. We lost April by 1.7%. Sigh - but, it could have been much worse. Year to date - in monthly increments, it looks exactly like this:

February… .-0.6%
…YTD +11.9%

During the month the activity in TBs started out slow but after about mid-month we picked up the pace and ended with 22 TB transactions. We went 14 wins/3 losses and 5 TBs pending. Losses were in TBS associated with the stocks that reported and got hammered ENPH and NET and additionally a TB loss in SNOW.

Since I posted the entire portfolio a few days ago I am not going to go back over that now. As I put together the May Starting Gate I will list them out again along with potential changes.

All the Best,