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FSLY is trading below 52-week low in pre-market… For those interested in cigar butts.

Soft pre-market. Not sure about options this week. Not yet 3-day rule on AFRM. Looks tempting on the large dip but 52-week low is sobering. In May it went from $30 to 414.63 in 2 days and although it took a hit last week on macro news it is still at $23.55, down 4.5% premarket.

Might be a week to sell the puts. See how close I can get to 52-week lows and still make more than pennies. Anything itching, Dreamer?


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cigar butts.

stealing that one.

cigar butts vs broken toys

what a market!


Last week I sold the $109 DDOG put for $2.15 and got them put to me. Today I sold the $109 call for $2.40. Seems a good deal to me. Now to go over and look at SQ and UPST puts: if I can get a strike price at the 52 week low.


should have shorted SNOW. Missed oppty.
Every one of these big pops are given back, it seems.

Waiting for NET to collapse. And TTD. etc…

Right now they are half-smoked cigarettes, and I am waiting for them to become gutter-cluttering butts on a melancholy pothole-infested and seldom-used street, frequented by the contemplative and regretful loiterer, and which time has all but forgotten.

Let’s go, POMO.






Sold puts, so back in, sort of.

This week’s $23.50 for $0.87, b/e $22 63. 52-week low: $22.42.

Also returned to DDOG and SQ puts and calls.

POMO. Collect the premiums. Not for everyone but working for now in this up-and-down market.