To live deep in the jungle of the Florida Keys where I don’t have to stress over the insanity in GAGA Desantis with neighbors at the local bodega.
I’m waiting for Meatball to grow his tiny rectangular mustache. Sometimes, with a fresh whitewall haircut, Meatball looks so stunningly Neurenberg, but he just needs that 'stache for the complete “Heil, Ron!” look.
“Peregrine! Open up! Blog Police! We want to ask you some questions concerning your posts to the Motley Fool Discussion boards which the Guvnah is calling a blog site. Open up, you dang Communist!”
**UNLESS… in context… it’s part of how they recognize who you are when you’re declaring income and expenses regarding the blogging.
- Rob**
You are most kind, but this is thin-skinned Napoleon Meatball, he of the cowboy boots with lifts. We know he’s dealing from the 52 cards of the Tyrant Deck.
You must feel smarter every day you wake up because North Carolina keeps sending us your Dummies.
North Carolina and Virginia are sending us their worst tryouts for #FloridaMan, but they lack the panache of some Northerners. It is the transplanted mental geldings from Michigan who make the best new #FloridaMan.
Some of the shallowest, surliest folk I had violent encounters with at the clubs were Michigan folk. And today, I am still meeting - through chance encounters -the GAGA types from Michigan who are as dumb as a box of frozen chum.
I’ll take Virginian and North Carolina GAGA hat wearers over their Michigan brethren, who remind me of Idaho militia men in Jimmy Buffett shirts. So many idiots. So many trophies to take off them.
I had this thing for Costa sunglasses and team hats.
So many trophies from Michigan badarses I was about to turn over to the police. I just gave away a pair of Costas to my landlord a few days ago. I let him pick from my last 5 pairs of trophy sunglasses.
Virginians and Tarheels have some politeness to them when you back them into a corner with the evidence of criminal behavior caught on video. The Michigan folk still want to tangle. I usually ask for a hat and sunglasses from Michigan folks “caught in the moment.”
You don’t want to go to jail, Detroit? Talk to that nice DJ you just tried to hit with a beer bottle. He’ll dictate his terms. If you can live with them, we sit on the videos and never show them to your wife or your bas association.
Lawyers are the worst in bar fights. I love sentencing them to ride back to Michigan sans their hats and sunglasses.
Rock plays hardball when you take shots with my tribe of friends.
(Freaking Michigan people, I can’t get away from them. I must be on some kind of Amber Alert up there - “Go pester this guy deep in the Florida Keys when you get to your Winter home.”)
So Rob due to taxes I will need you to register as an Investor with the government LOL. Oh but don’t worry you do not have to register your gun, just your job.
In case you haven’t realized… you already do that when you pay taxes. You detail your investment income and losses, showing where they come from. I suppose the same would be the case when you list your blogger income on your taxes though, so I guess registering as a blogger doesn’t really add anything.
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.