good news

The third aide, who went to high school w/our second aide, is here now and does well with the hubster (bit of a chatterbox, though…I’m having flashbacks to Passion Fish, one of my favorite movies-). She’s available 8-1 on Thursdays and a longer day, if needed, every other Saturday.

Having someone with him 4 or 5 mornings/week means I can take beach walks and other nature walks (or even sit on the beach w/a picnic lunch and relax), visit Mom and bro every week, and have more flexibility with errands.

She’s a big, strong woman and only 31.


What absolutely great news and I know she will be a real blessing to you. I am so happy that more aides are falling into place.


Wow—this is so good to hear!


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She also has an associates degree in nursing assistance and some medical/pharmaceutical knowledge and experience with dementia patients. I suspect RHonda’s gonna hand off her hours to Shaina (new aide). Rhonda’s in her early 50s and handling DH can be physically taxing (haha–I’m 72). I’ve noticed she’s less happy about caring for him lately (but a bit miffed as I just paid her for the 2 weeks she didn’t come when we had covid).

He slept Shaina’s entire 5 hours here today except around lunch and shower/dressing. Now he;s awake but not annoying, except he drank only half his smoothie.

He must’ve been unattended in the master bedroom when I was putting away laundered kitchen/guest bath towels this morning as I found a puddle half on the mat under my exercise bike and half on the wood floor. Luckily just missed the bedside rug on my side. First time a puddle hung around for that long (probably an hour). He also made a big puddle in the short hall between master BR and master BA last night. Right after I took him to the toilet and he declined to pee (so I did-).

I didn’t leave the house today as I was having major work done on an attic AC unit (grr…only 5 years old!) from 9am and still here.


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Aide schedule now covers every weekday (MON–r, TUE & THu–s, WED & FRI–k).


Aides Monday through Friday…yay!! My goodness, have you needed this!


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DH sleeps after breakfast for much of the morning lately–delayed reaction to trazodone?–he needs more supervision in the afternoons, evenings, and overnight. OTOH with 5 daily freedoms from getting him ready for the day and taking him on a short neighborhood walk–that’s a plus when he’s difficult (~half the time).

Both Krystal and Shaina have school-aged children and need to leave by 1pm to pick them up, and Rhonda needs to leave by 12:50pm to get to her afternoon client.

Seems like you mostly need help at night, and through the night. Maybe 7pm to 7am.

If he’s sleeping while aides are there, they aren’t helping you much.

If he’s sleeping while aides are there, they aren’t helping you much.

Except that she can get out of the house—for errands, and simply for walking on the beach.



Apparently he didn’t sleep much this morning–I was out for 3 hrs getting my teeth cleaned, taking a brisk walk by the harbor (saw a dolphin-), then to the bank and grocery store. Being Wednesday, I went to Publix for the 5% sr discount.

Krystal got him washed and dressed and teeth brushed–he took the razor from her hand and shaved himself! He hasn’t done that for weeks–cool! A little later she took him for a walk but he was done after the cul de sac. Then they sat on the back porch w/the ceiling fans on as it was warming up.

He was good this afternoon–other than having to offer the den wastebasket several times till he successfully peed in it. Good day…so far(!). Lots of eye contact and more smiles than usual. Krystal can put anyone in a good mood!

Tomorrow I think I’ll take a beach walk, clean out the laundry tub to I can rince peed-on items while waiting to add them to a wash load (pile of random stuff in the laundry tub since my brother’s DVDs took over my guest closet–I can’t even remember what…oh, yeah, beach towels, beach totes, an unused bathroom rug too good to toss, vacuum accessories, paper and plastic bags…).


Seems like you mostly need help at night, and through the night. Maybe 7pm to 7am.

I can’t afford 12 hrs/day @$25/hr…that’s $300/day = $9,000/mo!

Maybe I should start buying lottery tickets, although I actually don’t know how-.

“If he’s sleeping while aides are there, they aren’t helping you much.”

If someone is asleep my worry is that I might miss them waking.
Then there can be a major problem.

Any help is good help.

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The hubster woke up at 11:30pm, played with the bedding for 20 minutes, then attempted to pee in the corner of the bedroom, but I was quick with the commode bucket and caught all the pee despite it being pretty dark in the room (and I have poor night vision). Since then he’s been fiddling around n the bathroom, climbing in & out of the tub, opening and closing drawers and cabinets.

He wouldn’t take his sleeping pills this afternoon (I’ve been backing up when I give them since he’s mostly been sleeping better the next morning than at night). Anyhow, I crushed them and added to his afternoon smoothie, Which he didn’t quite finish so I guess got a slightly lower dose.

Be right back–I can’t tell what’s making the noise in the bathroom…nothing of importance. He returned my hug but not interested in coming back to bed yet. And this is on sleeping pills! Perhaps a 3rd pill needed–or stronger medication…

It becsme Too Quiet in the bathroom. Usually that means he’s falling asleep in the chair, but he was standing in front of his sink. I was able to lead him back to bed, but when we got there, he used the guard rail to let himself down onto the floor, where he’s sitting. Yup…he’s demented. I don’t think the anti-psychotic is working very well.

Think I’ll return to my current novel.

Oh. i was called by the county. Nope, no help for me. We’re too rich(!). I might be able to get up to $500 (one time payment) from some local foundation–she’s sending me info. Oh joy.

Except that she can get out of the house—for errands, and simply for walking on the beach.

Good point. I was just thinking about her not getting sleep because she has to chase him around every night with a bucket.

Oh. i was called by the county. Nope, no help for me. We’re too rich(!).

That’s why if you want help you have to divorce him and you get all the community property. Sounds heartless, but that’s how the systems seem to work. My mom divorced Dad.



I don’t get all the community property if I divorce him (is that how it works in CA??). Most of our income and savings are his.