good news :-)

My daily late afternoon/evening/Sunday morning aide is now my morning aide backup :slight_smile: She can’t stay all morning like my regular morning aides do, but she can stay long enough to get the hubster out of bed, bathe or shower him, dress him, brush his teeth, and park him in the den. I usually feed him breakfast before any aide can get here. He wakes at 7-7:30am and I feed him breakfast shortly thereafter (in bed).

Starting tomorrow. Today, with no aide this morning (children with fever), my late-day aide came early and stayed late (3-6pm instead of 4:30-5:30pm), so I was able to wash his bedding as soon as she got him up/washed him up and dressed him, and she remade the bed and fed him dinner.

I fixed an old favorite–cheesy grits with blackened salmon and garlicky green beans. He ate well and there’s enough leftover for his lunch tomorrow.

My backup morning aide has another client in mid-to-late morning, but that client is bedridden and doesn’t care what time she arrives to bathe her. So when I need her, she’ll arrive an hour later.

My remaining task is trying to get another alternate-Saturday aide. I’m not fussy about the time as I rarely shop and never make appts on Saturdays. Just need someone to get him up. If they aren’t here late enough to put him back to bed, I can wait till Jourdan can get here at 7:30-8:30pm, and she can wake him in the den, change him and tuck him in bed.

When aides come as planned–and he doesn’t poo on my afternoon shift–all is well(!).