The hubster’s frequent messy poos are over. It was like a delayed reaction to a daily Colace+prune juice+Raisin Bran or shredded wheat+lots of fruit and yogurt.
Now just giving him pulpy oj, variety of cereals and veggies, a bit less fruit, still yogurt. And now…no poos for 2 days.
Krystal, one of our aides, says this is how it often goes in nursing homes/memory care/late-stage home care…see-saw between constipation–>treatment–>messy poos. I already gave him pulpy oj for breakfast, but might give prune juice with lunch. If no poo all morning, I think huevos rancheros for lunch. I have chicken breast for dinner…planning chicken piccata and steamed green beans.
Jourdan, our newest aide, has a change in nursing school schedule: all day Saturday clinical from 6:30am-6:30pm. So she’s not coming at all on Saturdays. But no clinical on Sundays, so she;'s coming morning–long enough to get him up, changed, breakfasted, teeth brushed, showered, dressed, and sitting in his den recliner–and late afternoon for putting to bed, washing up, putting on night diaper with extra pad, feeding dinner, brushing teeth.
Aide Shaina graduates nursing school in December and Jourdan in February (eek!). Maybe by then Krystal can pick up more hours…maybe by then bed baths instead of showers…
He didn’t want to get out of bed this morning (I’m on my own–Jourdan coming Sunday mornings starts next weekend with her schedule change). I sort of changed him (diaper off but couldn’t;t pull fresh Depends all the way up without his cooperation. He had breakfast in bed. I wonder of this is something new?
As to Mom, she’s hanging in there–likes summer as more visitors come to me then and also to her. As to bro, he’s doing well walking in physical therapy and his aide is helping him keep his business afloat, although he only has one client left.