Lack of Activity

is causing this post

& this post

& also this post

as well as this STANDBY post!

Retired folk do tend to be somewhat less active than young whipper snappers.

But congrats on the PAL.


Standing By

Standing By


YOUR attendance has been noted.


TMF has put Us all on notice that this [non-financial] activity will CEASE!

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You can bet your bottom dollar on that.


That’s Financial!

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TMF has put Us all on notice that this [non-financial] activity will CEASE!



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If you are still able to post, your board has not been affected. The Grand Closing has already happened. If you are missing a board that you liked to post on, there are a few that are a bit more general, still. Living Below Your Means is a good choice, as is this one.

ThyPeace, kind of wishing for the “how to afford my cat’s determination to sit on my lap while I’m working” board right now.


I recognize you from your posts on some of the Apple boards. The only one that is still open is the AAPL board. It looks like it will have to do for both our investments in AAPL as well as all of our investments in Apple stuff.