The Captain is mis-reading the science and setting up straw men arguments that we continuously shoot down, and yet he continues to make.
Right BJ but the Captain isn’t against electric vehicles, after all he used it on his Sail boat, and he is invested in Tesla. I know he thinks CO2 is plant food but it would be interesting to see if he thinks unlimited CO2 is good for the planet.
Correlation is not causation!
The Captain
The Captain
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 OXYGEN!
Ok so right now we have about 414 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. How much CO2 in the atmosphere do you think we can safely have without it causing problems with weather?
The Captain points out that there is politics in climate change. And for that reason we simply cannot trust the science of climate change. He can’t seem to separate the two.
Perhaps this will help.
“Because of the complexity of the problem environmental skepticism was once tenable. No longer. It is time to flip from skepticism to activism.” (he said that in 2008…)
You forgot to say that a sailboat is not a stinking, noisy, gas guzzling contraption that hammers your kidneys to death! It’s so lovely to cross the seas in silence with only the murmur of the waves (when storms are not raging).
But the sailboat did have a diesel auxiliary because it’s the practical thing to have for the right occasions. I fail to understand why disagreeing with the majority is enough to be labeled extremist. What is so scary for the majority that it wets their pants? Is diversity not an option? Why the Big Brother attitude?
Everything in moderation.
The Captain
I don’t have a clue.
The Captain
I wasn’t labeling you as anything. I was just trying to figure out where you stood. Personally I do not have an opinion because it is to complicated and it doesn’t interest me to study it to have an informed opinion. But I do like clean air and clean water. I also like cheap energy so if electric vehicles meet my needs I will be happy to buy one.
But tens of thousands of climate scientists DO have a clue. And yet you refuse to listen to them?
I listen. Then I make up my own mind. That’s what I have a mind for, not to be a non-thinking robot.
Remember all the scientists that said that fat is bad, that type 2 diabetes is incurable, irreversible? Then I cured myself. Humans are not supposed to be zombies! Want to reduce the cost of healthcare? Make yourself healthy! Remember all the experts who tell you they can help you beat the market? Or the ones that sell tickets to heaven. Or the ones that peddle energy bars to couch potatoes. Take my advice, think for yourself.
The Captain
Correlation is not causation.
I would be very interested in how you cured yourself. I have type 2 and it is under control at present; but a cure would be nice.
thanks in adance,
Or the ones that said smoking was good for you and did not cause cancer?
After I left the rat race I had a lot of time on my hands. I read books about diets and nutrition, I watched uTube videos dealing with obesity. I learned not just about glycemic index but also about the more useful glycemic load. I was 50 or 60 pounds overweight.
With all the above I changed my eating habits, switched from vegetable oil to olive oil, and slowly started losing weight. I never missed a day without standing on the bathroom scale. After a while the weight-loss stopped and I would reexamine what I was doing and the weight-loss would start up again. As I lost weight and the lab tests improved, with medical supervision I stopped one medication after another until today I take none and haven’t had to visit a doctor for years. I stopped using my car all the time, I would walk instead. That probably helped.
There is no miracle cure, you just have to find what works for you. Portugal set me back by 10 to 12 pounds.
Doctors say that exercise is not useful to lose weight. Some people contend that the muscle that replaces the fat is denser so you might look better but weight does not change. One important consideration is that our bodies evolved to be hunters gatherers who walked and ran for hours each day. A short exercise is not the same. What I discovered here in Portugal is that if you go for long walks starting mid morning you don’t get hungry for lunch. Instead you get hungry closer to supper time. In effect this becomes a lite version of intermittent fasting. It’s been helping me get rid of the Portuguese weight gain. I also stopped drinking sweet Port wine. I’ve now lost about 4 of the 12 Portuguese extra pounds.
No pills, no supplements, just good food in moderation – real food – not the highly processed, packaged crap that you find in supermarkets and fast food joints. I cook most of my meals.
Visit The Bachelor’s Cuisine
The Captain
Has an actual doctor used the word “cure”. I had a friend who worked very hard at not needing drugs for his type 2 and was successful at it for a number of years, but eventually, it was not enough, despite a remarkably rigorous exercise program.
I’m not sure what your motivation is here, but I am quite sure you are bright enough to see the flaws in your reasoning about climate change. No one says CO2 is the only thing. For starters there are other greenhouse gases, but the point is that the other influencing natural influences were not enough to knock the planet out of a zone. Adding in the CO2 etc. has initiated a long term trend which is taking us into new and difficult areas … no, not so extreme as to eclipse everything that has ever happened on the earth since it was born, but into a range which is problematic for us humans.
Likewise, I am quite sure you are well aware that different theories come with different levels of certainty. And, the point is that a massively overwhelming majority of the people whose life’s work is studying climate have done a huge amount of work and come to very firm conclusions. Those conclusions do not include stating that CO2 is the only factor, but does include observing that CO2 has unbalanced the system in ways which will make it difficult for humans.
I am sure, and would be willing to bet, that the Captains footprint is smaller than almost everyone on this board. That being said the ones that can solve this problem are not on this board. They are in the boards of Corporations and sitting in the Government. So if anyone wants any of this to change, you will need to get involved in the process.
No and for good reason. You get type 2 diabetes when you develop insulin resistance from eating crap food. If you stop eating crap food you revert type 2 diabetes. If you eat crap food again then the cycle repeats, insulin resistance followed by type 2 diabetes and a host of other stuff like leaky gut, etc., etc., etc. The issue is not exercise, it’s eating crap food.
If you think CO2 is the problem, that’s fine by me. Believe anything you want.
The Captain
Thank you. And those are the changes I have made and my A1C is 5.7 and been solid for three years. Lost 30 pounds in the first 6 months and maintained that since. Changes in what (and how much) I eat. But I’m certainly not cured. If I fall off the wagon my numbers will climb again.
Good luck with those remaining 8 Portuguese pounds - the last two are the toughest.
Didn’t you just write
To believe that science can identify just ONE THING, in a very complex system as the sole driver is pure BS!