We have no control over the Sun or volcanoes or asteroids, but we can change how much CO2 we put into the air, at least in theory. So there is not much point in discussing the Sun or volcanoes or asteroids or the Earth’s orbit or precession of the axis, but there is some point in discussing CO2.
Do you really think there is such a thing as free energy?
Sure, it’s called the Sun!
It might be expensive to convert that free energy to something else.
That is what they are working for, hasn’t happened yet.
There is nothing we can do about quantum mechanics, the speed of light, and other stuff that are at the heart of science and discovery. What’s the point of discussing them?
Why then cancel Climate Catastrophe Deniers?
Sorry, WilliB, your argument makes no sense.
The Captain
There are 8 billion humans and lots of disposable rats to experiment on but just one climate that is almost impossible to experiment on.
One can even experiment on oneself! Try that with climate! LOL
The Captain
Are you suggesting that these are relevant to climate change? I’ve never heard that suggested before.
My argument makes perfect sense. Change what you can change, the rest is beyond your control.
Actually, assuming that we can control something that we currently do not is the source of man’s greatest folly and our proudest achievements.
If we know these volcanoes are the source of enormous power and destruction, perhaps we should siphon off the power to reduce the destruction.
Green energy, now powered by volcanoes!
How many solar satellites does it take to ‘shutter’ the sun, providing immense potential energy for space exploration when the sun’s energy is not needed with such intensity?
What if ________________?
Hurricanes could be stymied by blotting the daytime energy for those relevant coordinates?
Many homes in the world were powered by volcanic heat sufficient to reduce the blowoff top eruptions?
Earthquakes were intentionally increased in frequency and reduced in power to provide a continuous energy source while the tectonic plates do their thing?
HVAC was only converted from groundwater and surface water with minimal other power?
Man stopped using power at all?
That is the greatest detour to nowhere I’ve ever seen. I don’t even understand your point.
These threads are sometimes difficult to follow. I was trying i show that WilliB’s suggestion made no sense. The post I was replying to:
The Captain
The reason we don’t discuss the sun or volcanoes or etc. with respect to climate change is two fold:
- we can’t control the sun or the volcanoes
- we know their impact on climate change is only responsible for about half the impact we are seeing
That leaves the remaining half of the impact to be caused by our activity. And our activity we can control. Your detour into quantum mechanics was, I dunno what that was.