The final quarter starts …
With the East Coast and Gulf Coast dockworkers strike now official, I’m a little challenged with ideas right now.
After little news from NFE the last month or so, a flurry of events today
- First cargo from FLNG asset was completed
- Company just completed a secondary offering of shares @ $8.63-a-pop (lower than my exit price)
- NFE is in such a bad shape, they had to retract a prior dividend announcement.
Q4 trading has commenced
- TRMD hit - opted to add to Roth position
- VERI pullback - added to taxable ac position
Just noticing after-hours, I do have a couple of picks that had a decent day- LPG, GCT & GSM
10/02 - 10/04
Some existing ideas demonstrated an up-down action, and others, an up-down-up action.
- Added to YMAG in taxable ac. Asking myself, should I initiate stake in Roth ac?
- One of those up-down-up ones: GSM. Added to taxable ac stake
- Added to GSM stake in Roth ac
- Added to BEN in taxable ac
- Added to NKE in Roth ac
- New idea: HIMS in Roth ac
- AAPL nibble in Roth ac
- Longshore workers strike is over & ZIM is plunging - nibbled on former idea
- More LPG for taxable ac (potential stake for resetting cost basis)
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Week 2 October (most of)
Testing the waters with two new ideas, somewhat beaten up
- Non-tech LULU
- Tech LCRX
- Then back to normal, existing ideas (in Roth ac) TRMD
- Initiated GCT in Roth (position exists in taxable ac)
- More BROS in Roth ac
- More WU in taxable ac
- More BRK-B in Roth ac
- More GSM in taxable ac
- On bounce, trimmed BWLP in Roth ac
10/10 - 10/11
The latter is the more well-known of the two. SSSS is kinda interesting as a play, as it gets the opportunity to invest in pre-IPO names. That doesn’t make those names a sure thing. In reality, if the names actually make it to the public market, many just fizzle. SSSS was an early investor in FaceBook (now META). While META has a trillion dollar valuation now, it too, struggled out the gate. I mean, it started with a gain, but that fizzled. Then company slowly worked its way out. SSSS monetized their FaceBook shares too early. Yes, I know SSSS had a good IRR on the investment. But, a sideline investor could have done very well with FaceBook once it was public. Anyways, it is interesting to note SSSS is currently undervalued on a NAV basis, and hence triggered my interest (might have to dig into SSSS more)
[Edit: Port recovery slowly occurring - now less than 2.5% off high-water mark guesstimate]
The odd holiday when some markets are open for trading. Cursory glance at port - tech names seem to be doing okay (QCOM moving higher with an analyst upgrade due to initial sales on Snapdragon upgrades), crude tanker names taking a general hit, and retail (BROS, LULU, CELH) on a positive trend.
Added to DLTR - taxable ac
Added to GOGL - taxable ac
Looked around at other options
Nibble on LRCX - Roth ac
Added to INSW - taxable ac
Add to VERI - order did not fill
Rotation out of tankers? Dirty and clean tankers fell. More attacks on vessels reported - bulkers in Black Sea, another tanker in Red Sea, vessel in Indian Ocean. Still felt comfortable adding to INSW.
Not the worst day. But coming off a holiday when stock trading was possible … Fraaack!
Thoughts going thru the head
- Should have sold more BWLP on the bounce last week.
- Should I have trimmed ECO yesterday?
- While negative, Roth ac is helped by BRK-B position
Later in the day
- NVDA nibble in Roth ac
- LRCX nibble in taxable ac
- Considered adding to TRMD
- Considered adding to ENTG
Another musing type post.
Each trading day this week, I have added to a shipping idea
Mon - GOGL
Tue - INSW
Wed - TRMD
What do I know about shipping markets currently?
- Dry bulk sector is coming off Golden week holiday. Rates not fantastic, but proftable
- Q3 LPG rates not great, but Q4 is supposed to improve
- Tanker rates generally okay. Sector is probably closer to normal behavior than others in shipping
- Container shipping rates: Not sure. Other than small ZIM position, I’m not involved.
Currently most appealing names: INSW, HAFN & TRMD
And then, other sectors.
- Still thinking about ENTG
- Added to CELH in Roth ac
- Considered adding to YMAG
Just so I could say a-shipping-idea-per-day this week
Fri - ASC initiated in taxable ac
Thur - FLNG nibble
On bounce, trimmed NVDY (Roth reset attempt)
More VERI in Roth ac
More LRCX in Roth ac
[Edit: Why ASC? For some reason, I had not picked up on this item - low debt. ASC has less than $100M in debt. Slightly more, if one includes the preferred equity. In many respects, a mini Hafnia ]
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To those that have a method - great! To those that don’t, HohumYNWA has a 1-day special wacky method - it involves whacking ideas into or out of the port. Definitely an antsy kind of mood
Roth ac
- Added FLNG
- Trimmed QYLD
- Another GLNG nibble
Taxable ac
- Trimmed IEP
- Added to INSW
A few months back, IESC was a clumsy trade on my part. Shares tumbling today - is there a reason for this?
[Edit: Two Roth ac trades have caused GLNG to nudge its way into 10th spot in self-managed port]
In one specific case, the shipping beat-down, feeling similar to yesterday - a little antsy. But again, for quite a few shipping names, I have target prices set way before something happens. In INSW’s case, I’m lowering my Roth ac cost basis of INSW - so added to my INSW stake. Early last month, I had exited CLCO in the Roth ac. Today, I’m adding to the taxable ac stake (no wash, lowering cost basis).
GSM taking a beating - another nibble in taxable ac
Some thoughts on LNG: Is the LNG tanker market responding to this?
FLNG don’t own TFDE-type vessels. Also, only one of their 13 vessels has a charter associated with the market. CLCO does own some TFDE-type vessels (9 of 11 or 12). However, CLCO has little market exposure on its vessels. Actually, the unknown item is the fixing of its newbuild LNG carrier (not TFDE) ]
And then it bursts – had seen PHUN show up on %-gains lists earlier in the week. Today, down 40%. Owned the entity about four years ago, when it previously had a multi-bagger type pop. Several of the bagger multiples disappeared within a week. But PHUN share held some nice gains for a short while, and then the gains evaporated again. PHUN had a Bitcoin presence, and a software business.
A little later, Phunware acquired a computer assembly business. Then earlier this year (Feb 2024), a reverse stock split. There was a subsequent dilution event that bumped up the share count.
Phunware CEO resigned today –
According to the Interwebs–
PHUN owned 630 Bitcoin per Sept 12, 2024.
No PHUN position since 2022.
Some items to end the week.
Wot? Was not expecting that data-point from Dorian (LPG),
Company is hinting at a very reasonable Q3 TCE rate - one better than Q2! It didn’t appear that way when LPG reported their Q2 results.
That caused me to spring into action
More LPG in Roth ac, more LPG in taxable ac
[Edit: div is maintained, but LPG’s suggested Q3 TCE is what motivated the action]
Saw the 4th YMAG payout for Oct post in the taxable ac. One, make it, two words - very disappointing.
Messed up my port yardsticks this week. Realized I still had Roth contributions to make. So, I made another year 2024 contribution this week.
Trimmed IEP from taxable ac
Wassup wit PHUN? After yesterday’s 40% sell-off, today it bounces 25% For the week, up 62%
Overall, “Meh” => slightly negative week
Oct 31
Spooky - one word to possibly describe the port during October. Today, bad stuff happening across the port.
Didn’t allow the negativity to stop me from making some Halloween trades
- More COHR in taxable ac
- More ARCO in taxable ac
- More NVDY in Roth ac
- More INSW in Roth ac
Did I mis-read the LPG preview statement? Or did something else change? The Q2 TCE was around $37K daily. For some reason, I thought LPG had said the rate was higher. Or perhaps, I had read Q3 rate figures, but forgotten Q3 for LPG is current qtr (Oct-to-Dec). “Just reported” is Q2 2024
Bitcoin names taking a hit. COIN is a major Bitcoin name taking a beating today. Is this an opportunity for a starter position?
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Election Day
Maybe it is because of IB’s splash page has a survey on the Elections.
I’ve probably traded on other Election days or Election Primary days prior to today. But, today seems like a big day and I seem aware of today’s trades.
- LULU in taxable ac
- Exited tiny GCTS position on bounce
- BRK-B nibble in Roth ac
- TRMD nibble in Roth ac
- FRO nibble in taxable ac
For a change - a really nice day for the port. Where to start?
Mr Obvious - BRK/B
GSM - scheduled to report 11/07
BROS - Positive trading day; After market close, nice results - nice pop
I did a couple of trades yesterday, both in Roth ac
- Another HAFN nibble
- On the drop, more DLTR
Today - no trading
- BROS got rewarded with a very nice bounce. Had I been active during trading session, I might have taken some gains @ $48-ish
- GSM took a hit. Slight revenue miss, big earnings miss. Prior to results, I was ok adding below $4.50/sh. Probably need to adjust expectations slightly. For Roth ac, consider taking some off the table on a bounce.
Today, overall basket, was a small gain. Now, is a shipping basket bounce forthcoming?
Closing out the week
- On the follow-thru bounce, realized some BROS gains in taxable ac
- Ditto, for BROS in Roth ac
- Combined trim was 20% of BROS stake
- Added more VERI in taxable ac
- Added more INSW in Roth ac
- On GCT bounce, closed out small stake in Roth ac on positive note (taxable ac - GCT stake is red)
- NVDY div posted - lower than prior month (but still on course to meet overall target)
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My two European based LNG ideas - Flex LNG (FLNG) & Golar LNG (GLNG) reported Q3 results pre-market. Any surprises? Not really. FLNG TCE avg bumped up slightly. But, I think that the impact of the single vessel on variable rate charter, which usually gets an uptick during the back-end of the year. Golar, if there was going to be a surprise, it would have been FLNG Gimi transitioning to COD. Didn’t happen in Q3, and is targeted for Q4 (At this time, only behind about 4 months- but not due to Golar’s fault).
[Edit: Golar DID have a negative surprise. Part of their compensation is a hedging component from FLNG Hilli production. In Q3 2024, the hedging resulted in a non-cash loss of $90M ]
Out the gate, nice day for CAMT - Q3 rev and earnings beat
Already 11/13, and I realized I really slacked off last week - I missed OET (who reported on 11/08), NMM (who reported on 11/05), and TRMD (who reported on 11/07) No NMM position, so no major deal with NMM. However, with TRMD, that’s a Top 10 holding. Well, 10th position thru 11/11, and might have dropped out on 11/12.
In particular, the shipping beatdown the last 4 -7 weeks seems to be focused on any flavor of tanker. I get the market doesn’t get the tanker cycle - so some of the selling based on Q3 numbers is understandable. But, in general, the tanker companies have been hinting that Q4 is getting a lift over Q3. Yet, market is in whack-a-mole mode. Quite ugly.
[Edit: Comments above were prior to the market open. Intraday developments were overall positive - positive days from FLNG, TRMD & FRO. Added to TRMD in taxable ac ]
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