Where has Andy been?

Since last stalked these boards:

  • I raised two boys into men.
  • I herded cub scouts and boy scouts around the country
  • I coached little league baseball and 7-8 grade basketball
  • I chased marching and concert bands around Colorado
  • I spent a lot of time above 10,000 feet taking photographs
  • I retired from my career as software engineer
  • I divorced my sociopathic narcissistic wife

Not much time for Fool board posting while doing this.



Nice to see you back.


I missed you Wendy. But I think we will clash a lot.

It doesn’t mean I don’t love ya. It just means I am to old and cantankerous to care about tomorrow. :slight_smile:


<Nice to see you back.

Not for me. Far too much hubris.


We then, I’ll be jamming my hubris in as hard as I can every time.

So texirish, what have you ever done in your life?

In which topics are you an expert?

What useful things have you done with your life over the past 20 years?

Which of your posts should I categorize as expert analysis? Which should I categorize as hubris?

Have you raised children? How are they doing?

Have you coached a sport? Or have you been supportive of a child in an area you know nothing about.

I have learned a lot about a lot of areas in my life. I enjoy learning from those with more knowledge than I.

Help me out. Why would you post what you did about me without declaring your bona fides?


OK children, cut it out


You are right. Sorry.

Congratulations…i give you my most coveted award “Atta Boy” Congratulation on the divorce.

Now don’t get married again. If you want to keep one around fine but have replacement locks for every

lock you have. Whatever is left after the divorce is yours… keep it that way. Now that you retired

your time is your time…Keep it that way and learn how to say NO!

Enjoy whatever time you have left…you earned it and don’t feel guilty if you have days where you do

nothing and accomplish nothing…


In the spirit of learning from those with more experience…how do marching bands manage to perform at altitude (assuming they live and practise at sea level)? Especially the players with the big heavy instruments to lug around?

This is a serious question. We moved to Golden, CO almost 6 years ago…never having spent much time at an altitude higher than Mt Snowdon. It took me months to become acclimated to a mere 6000ft…but you mention 10k??

I know that performance athletes have all sorts of tricks available…“legal” and otherwise…to handle this but marching bands are something I’ve never considered.

In the spirit of learning from those with more experience…how do marching bands manage to perform at altitude (assuming they live and practise at sea level)? Especially the players with the big heavy instruments to lug around?

The kids in those schools have lived their whole life at altitude (at least the last several years). I don’t believe they even think about it.

This is a serious question. We moved to Golden, CO almost 6 years ago…never having spent much time at an altitude higher than Mt Snowdon. It took me months to become acclimated to a mere 6000ft…but you mention 10k??

Mount Evans is 14K. It is cold in July and windy. So people don’t hang around there for more than a hour.

I shot a rainbow from mostly above once.


If you get bored you can talk to goats.


Here is the band (from Legend). I believe this was at a contest in Littleton. My son is in the middle there somewhere.


I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because of wendybg’s positive reception.

Backing up unfounded opinions with unfounded declarations of superior personal knowledge is a poor start.



* I divorced my sociopathic narcissistic wife

Do I sense a hint of anger there? :wink: