New Home of TMF

At first glance at the new setup, I’m not seeing what we now have marked as our Favorites, including this one…

I’m off camping when they’re doing all the moves, but for now i’s more confusing than useful…

Bah Humbug!

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At first glance at the new setup, I’m not seeing what we now have marked as our Favorites, including this one…

You won’t see this one because it isn’t migrated yet. If you are not a paid member of a migrated service such as Stock Advisor or Rule Breakers there is nothing for you to see yet.

Of the boards that were migrated, and that I have access to, it has not forgotten my “favorites”, but I’m still learning the new names for things. The word Board, for example, is gone, replaced by Tags. Yeah, it is taking some time to adapt, but I think we have been anticipating it as worse than it is. I suggest giving it a fair chance, and don’t get too unhappy until you have.

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Well, I’m seeing many ‘Tags’, but none resemble the board names here, so far… Premium seems to be open, so far, over there, likely to be locked up one day…

If board names don’t remain the same as they are here, then we’re all going be lost in the weeds until we sort it out… Next week and beyond…

Mostly concerned with chasing down the individuals I’ve either marked as favorites or Ignored in a few cases… At least for now the new boards are there as another tab, as I see notes related, it’s an easy matter to check it out…

Onward, my/our portfolio is more green than red today, AAPL is cheering me up again…

weco - back to readying our RV for a long weekend w/family…

Mostly concerned with chasing down the individuals I’ve either marked as favorites or Ignored in a few cases…

I found where the eight names I have on Ignore under Preferences / Users.

I found the 21 Fools I have marked to follow under Follow / Following.

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I found the 21 Fools I have marked to follow under Follow / Following. - RHinCT

Did you perhaps mean,

"I found the 21 Fools I have marked as Favorite Fools under Follow / Following.

If so, does “follow” on the new boards, mean you are fed everything by the posters you follow?

In the old boards, a favorite fool designation did not affect what what posts you saw. RHinCT may be a favorite fool but I didn’t see what he may be posting on other boards I didn’t follow, eg the Apple board.

Hi wecoguy,

“Premium seems to be open, so far, over there, likely to be locked up one day…”

The post you made is in the Community Common area which I believe will be general area where the free boards will show up.

All holdings and some statistics on my Fool profile page (Click Expand)

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OK, I do see 10 I’m Following, I think I had more, some from way back, but my Ignored is blank, so far, so possibly the individuals have just not checked in at all at the new site…

little by little…

Looking here, I have 41 Fools I follow, so not all have shuffled over yet…

Looking here, I have 41 Fools I follow, so not all have shuffled over yet…

I wonder if “dead” fools are going to transition over to the new boards. I have around 2000 followers, probably 1900 of which have gone to their greater reward, either the cemetery or, more likely, Facebook, Discord, SeekingAlpha, or PornHub.

I would hate to lose all those followers, even if they are no longer active. It helps me pretend I’m a Russian troll, broadcasting to the millions, where in reality there are about nine people who actually care what I have to say.


Yes, indeed, I’m sure some of the folks I followed have moved on, from interest changed to Soylent Green… So in a way some are markers of the past…A few I had made direct contact, then blink, that went away, too… Same with old HS classmates, work buddies, sometimes we find out from other common friends, or someone spots an obituary…

So some patience, it will settle into something…

What I noticed today is I’m not seeing, yet, my stock picks or anything like a portfolio… And the others, home, car maintenance, AWOL for now… Not clear on the Tags, same with computer problems, must have more patience… I’ll be out of web coverage a few days, so next week with be the recovery, discovery time…

Where is the new site?


This takes you there, feel free to rumble around, see a bit of it, so I don’t find any of my portfolio stocks or any of the boards I have marked as favorites here over there yet, as they are still in the midst of the changeover…

Patience is required… :slight_smile:

culcha -

Here you go →


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Oops, link:

Hi wecoguy,
Thank you for the link!
I have been a member here since 1998. I mostly lurk, but do occasionally post.
Please excuse my stupidity, but I cannot find my way around the new “Home”
I cannot find my “favorite boards” at all.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance,

Ahh patience, none are there yet, only what we see of the premium side so far, the board we know here will be another tab by next weekend…

All I’ve done is poke around a little, added an avatar…

Ok, Thank you for the response.
So now I guess we just wait and see how it develops…


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I discovered, eventually there are two sides to this game, Premium & Freemium… and so far no paywall between. is the Freemium side. is the Premium side. (PC)

I spent time on the PC side before discovering the difference… The Fool Banner is another clue, on the PC side there is a hot link to the other, but none on the Freemium, so far…

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And a bit later, no more access to the Community (Premium) side so I can’t go back and blank out what I had set up there… I’d thought, mistakenly, that they were at least visible, editable…

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I have pretty much given up on the fool community since blogging was shut down around 2012 or 2013. I have no idea how any of this works. Will this be anything like the fool community I once loved?
All I see here are the same names over and over, nobody I used to know.
I’d love to see the fool community make a comeback.